Greetings What’s on Your Plate? Blog readers! I’m Kristy, the CSA intern at Aubin Pictures, and I’m going to be writing a series of posts investigating why organic food seems to be so much more expensive than conventional food.
By now we probably all know that organic food is better for our health, better for the environment, and better for the taste buds – yet it still makes us cringe to shell out the extra cash every time we go grocery shopping. It’s difficult to remember the benefits of organic food when you have to decide between two seemingly identical products and the organic option costs twice as much. Why does buying organic food have to feel like a splurge?
The answer is that the market price of organic food actually reflects the true cost of food.
In future posts, I will look into what the true cost of food means and how grocery store prices mislead us. I hope this can be an ongoing conversation and would love to hear any ideas you have on the subject!
More comin’ soon!