We talk about it everyday, probably type it into Google’s search engine twice a week and order tons of books on how to live a healthier lifestyle, but the answer is right in front of your face. Your Surroundings!! Back in 2009, First lady Michelle Obama launched her “Let’s Move” campaign which empowers young kids to fight obesity and live a healthier lifestyle. “Let’s Move” is exactly what it sounds like, a movement. A movement to get healthy through physical and mental activities. It’s all about healthy physical activity and eating right. As cliche as it may sound, being healthy is easy, once you put your daily surroundings to good use.

[If you were in New York City, you would have to walk 3 miles from Yankee Stadium to Central Park in order to burn off the calories from a 12oz can of soda]
Eat Right:
Know the facts about the food and drinks you put into your body because not all that looks and tastes good is good for the body and your health.
Get Active:
Michelle Obama states “Kids and adults between 6 and 17 need to be active 60 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week for 6 to 8 weeks.” Did you know taking the steps instead of the elevator is a step towards limiting your chances of obesity? Taking the stairs is inexpensive, adds years to your life and adds up to a weekly exercise.

Below is a List of Easy Steps to Living a Healthier Lifestyle:
1) Get Active! Move more and lessen the risk of obesity whether it’s by going for a twenty minute run, a bike ride or taking the stairs. If you ride the train get off a stop before your actual stop and walk the rest of the way.
2) Become Educated! The more you know about the food you eat helps you to make better eating decisions.
3) Replace soda with water and fried foods with baked or steamed foods.
4) Maintain a positive attitude!