Our newest organization to join our Buy a Bundle – Give a Bundle program is Kid Power Inc located in Washington DC! We are so excited to widen our horizons and bring the program to the capitol. If you don’t know already, through this program What’s on Your Plate? pledges to donate one bundle to Kid Power Inc for every bundle purchased from our store! We choose charitable organizations dedicated to health awareness for youths in their community. So, what exactly is Kid Power Inc? Here’s what they say:
Kid Power inspires youth leadership by promoting academic advancement, physical and emotional wellness, and positive civic engagement in underserved communities throughout the District of Columbia.
Kid Power provides three principal programs through its after-school and summer programming:
1) Academic Power Hour: Students participate in homework help and engaging, hands-on activities that align with the Common Core Standards
2) The Citizenship Project: Using a literacy-building and civic engagement curriculum, students study US history and the building blocks of citizenship, and implement community action projects
3) VeggieTime: Seeks to create a sustainable community where youth and their families provide fresh produce for themselves, effect change in the food delivery system, and seek to increase nutritional education in their communities. Initially, students study a wide-array of health, environmental, and agricultural practices. They connect these lessons to youth-run community gardens, cooking classes, local farmer’s market operations, youth-led nutritional and environmental service-learning projects, and food advocacy initiatives.
Kid Power’s mission is to empower District youth to become informed and engaged advocates for change in their own lives and communities. Through the VeggieTime project youth have the confidence and the skills to make informed, healthy decisions that positively affect their lives, families, and communities.