Thanks to our Buy a Bundle, Give a Bundle Initiative, we were able to donate ten bundles to three organizations: The Project School in Bloomington, Indiana, Tribe One in Knoxville, Tennessee, and Harlem Seeds here in New York City. We asked these organizations to tell us how they used our materials- sharing stories and pictures.
Here they are!
The Project School
The Project School’s fourth and fifth grade class, led by their teacher Sarah Jerasa, incorporated the What’s On Your Plate? program in a unit on global and local homelessness and hunger in December. They held a screening of What’s On Your Plate? as a fundraiser, raising money to carry out projects related to their studies: funding a well for a village in Africa, donating an animal to a community through Heifer International Organization, and donating medical supplies and food to area shelters. The bundles were used to educate their school and members of their community to promote awareness of larger food-related issues, like food insecurity and local food.
It was a great success, and the response they received from the screening was incredible. The students were able to raise over $300 for their projects! They engaged their community in a discussion that later continued into the classroom.
Take a look at some pictures from their screening!

Tribe One
Tribe One of Knoxville, Tennessee is an organization founded in order to encourage leadership skills and economic self-sufficiency in the youth of East Knoxville. Tribe One used What’s On Your Plate? as a part of their after-school holistic health programming in an effort to focus students on the importance of keeping their body, mind, and spirit healthy.
Here are some pictures showing a few of the kids at Tribe One making Sadie’s Fruit Smoothie at an after-school program:

As for Harlem Seeds, we’re expecting an update from them soon. They’re busy organizing events to bring healthy food to kids in Harlem. Watch out for a post about their event soon.
Thank you to all of our Bundle recipients and a very special thank you to everyone who helped us give these bundles away by purchasing one for their home.