Milk and Jails, what’s the connection? If jails don’t serve milk to their inmates, how do these two things go together? The organization Milk NOT Jails provides this link, and is in the process of changing rural New York.
Upstate New York used to be affluent in agriculture and animal produce in the late 1820’s, until the infamous car boom. After the transition from boats and railways turned to cars, farmland became abandoned for various reasons, like highways. This is where prisons come in. The government needed space to implement the prison system and the abandoned land of Upstate New York provided it at the time. Now, nearly 100 years later, the American government values the penitentiary system more than much needed agriculture systems, or at least it seems so. I mean, if during the 1990’s a prison was built in rural New York every fifteen days, what does that say about America’s priorities?
The Milk NOT Jails organization strives to change the fact that Upstate New York’s economic success rides on a penal system and they need your help to do so. Join the Milk NOT Jails Campaign by signing up here. Spread the word, email all your friends about them. Fill out their survey that asks about grocery dairy choices by clicking here. For more information on this much needed project please visit their website.