The resources that are needed to eat more healthy are out there and I want to let you know about one organization in particular, that’s starting a “revolution” about healthy living.

What caught my eye about, Being Healthy Is A Revolutionary Act is that the website is built not only for their information and purpose, but also showcases other healthy ideas, that are beginning their own movement. The website has books, videos and people who are producing the best information that could be helpful to individuals (like me) who want to improve their health. Majora Carter who is noted as, “an urban planning visionary” for Being Healthy Is A Revolutionary Act, is also a project advisor for “What’s On Your Plate?.” This is interesting, because she’s making strides for change in her firm, The Majora Carter Group. Her ideas have been practiced in states like North Carolina and New Orleans.
Being Healthy Is A Revolutionary Act speaks for itself, but also highlights other ideas or thoughts which makes this website and organization insightful and promising. Different underground health organizations like this one will lead to change for individuals who cannot find an outlet for a healthy way of life. After discovering this organization I feel inspired to educate my family and friends about how they could start their own revolutionary act. I don’t want to sound cheesy but I feel enlightened, which is an uncanny feeling in our society now.