In Harlem there is a revolutionary movement starting that has to do with culinary arts. La Marqueta, a 3,000 sq ft newly remodeled culinary kitchen was recently created as an incubator for small businesses. Hot Bread Kitchen, a nonprofit organization that trains aspiring entrepreneurs to open their own businesses, occupies the space. Their goal is to help struggling entrepreneurs get on their feet. This new incubator provides sustainable jobs for the community and uplifts Harlem’s spirits when it comes to their community. La Marqueta is the newest thing in Harlem and you should try and be a part of it. For more information here is the link to NY1 story on La Marqueta. Tonight, you can go by from 4PM to 7PM, Their location is 1590 Park Avenue, at 115th street with free samples of food, tours of the Hot Bread Kitchen, and more!