For some of you, classes have already started but for others there’s just a few more weeks. Back to the books, early mornings, the stress of handing in that assignment on time and the long nights studying for exams. In the midst of all the school year excitement, studies show that most students lose track of being healthy. Instead of getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep which is essential for kids and teens, their getting 6 hours of sleep, skipping breakfast in the morning and going through a 7 hour school day without having a proper meal. Being a student myself, I know there have been days where I’ve skipped breakfast in the morning, and by the time 11:30 hits, I’m burnt out. Skipping breakfast is the start of an unhealthy and unproductive school year because no breakfast means no energy. No energy means your most likely not focused in class which means stress around exam time.
According to Healthychildren.org “Many older teens are busy until late into the night with homework, extracurricular activities, and part-time jobs. They go to bed late, then get up and rush off to school, too frantic to eat.” A great way to avoid skipping breakfast in the morning is by making it the night before and heating it up in the morning. It saves you a ton of time. Breakfast with protein and carbohydrates are extremely good to eat in the morning because it fuels the body to go through the day. Some great on the run breakfasts can be dried fruits, granola bars or fruits like apples and bananas.

Sleep!!! It can be so hard to do during the school year with all the anxiety, stress and work load but it is very essential to students, especially during the school year. Eight hours of sleep is said to be a healthy amount of time to make it through the day but the reality is most teens aren’t getting that. A great way to maintain the right amount of sleep a day is creating a schedule for yourself, the same way you schedule all the other activities you have during the day. Avoid taking naps during the day because it will prevent you from sleeping at night.

As crazy as it may sound, a daily excercise routine will energize you and help you get through a long day of school. Excerise helps in maintaining a healthy state of mind and staying physically fit. Thirty minutes of physical activity is all you need to maintain a healthy body. You don’t necessarily have to go to a gym to get excercise, you can run around your backyard or the block, dance around in your room to your favorite music, take your dog for a walk or maybe even a run. The most important thing is that your getting at least 30 minutes of physical activity during the day.

Another component to having a healthy school year can be taking some time out of the week or weekend to do nothing but something you truly love and enjoy. Push the books to the side for a day and just enjoy yourself. That enjoyable thing could be shopping, talking on the phone for hours with your friend, playing video games, going to the park, or going to your favorite restaurant. Giving yourself time to just relax and be free gives your brain and body a boost of energy. Aside from giving you a boost of energy, it also relieves you of any tension or stress that may have been created. Just make sure you know when it’s time to buckle down and get back to work.
Remember to eat right, stress less, excercise more, and get enough sleep because a healthy life style leads for a healthy and bright school year.
Enjoy the few days left of summer vacation!!!