Image courtesy of TheNakedLabel.com
Hello, my name is Reginald Greene and I’m an intern at Aubin Pictures. When I found out I would be working here, I didn’t know what to expect. I just believed that I would be working in a field that I want to continue in for the rest of my life, journalism. I began to see perspective in my eating habits and how I wasn’t eating the way I was supposed to. Before I watched What’s On Your Plate?, my eating habits were not healthy.
In the movie, I witnessed many parts that I thought were interesting. In particular, I found interest in the in-depth interviews by the main characters in the film, Sadie and Safiyah. I wondered, as they did, why food that was better for you cost more than fast food? When I finished the movie, I had a revelation about how my eating habits could lead me to become like Caleb’s dad in the movie. I was concerned that I could have a heart attack.
Now, I eat salad and fruits. I haven’t eaten a meal at McDonald’s in a week, and I feel like I haven’t missed anything about it. What I figured out was that the healthier food tastes better and costs less. Pineapples, strawberries, and cantaloupe are a few of my new found cravings. I always liked fruit, but now after watching the movie, I’m beginning to realize that I’m becoming an adult, and I need to make adult decisions. I’m doing this now by changing the way I eat.