Sarah Jerasa’s 4th and 5th grade class project on homelessness and hunger awareness at The Project School in Bloomington, Indiana, is a recipient of the What’s On Your Plate? Buy a Bundle – Give a Bundle Initiative.
Just a few weeks ago, we received a letter from Sarah Jerasa, one of the teachers in a combined 4th and 5th grade classroom at The Project School, a charter school in Bloomington, Indiana. She inquired about hosting a screening of What’s On Your Plate? this December on behalf of her students. She wrote: “Our students and school are truly passionate about working towards making change in our community and reaching out to other communities. I think our work would be really inspiring for others to see.” We are always looking for passionate kids like Sadie, Safiyah and Oliver, who are devoted to affecting positive social, political and environmental change. We did some research and found that The Project School’s mission and Ms. Jerasa’s class proposal were perfectly in line with our goals!

The Project School and What’s On Your Plate? share a commitment to inspiring kids to engage with issues that directly impacts their lives. The Project School describes their school curriculum as, “project-based, problem-based, and place-based” and “directly connected to issues in their local and global communities.”
Ms. Jerasa’s current class project focuses on issues that What’s On Your Plate? is very much concerned with: addressing homelessness and hunger on a local and global scale. When Ms. Jerasa wrote to us, the class had already watched What’s On Your Plate? and performed the calorie experiment from the film. Her class was so excited by the experience, they decided they would like to host a public screening of What’s On Your Plate? to raise funds to support the following hunger-focused initiatives:
– Funding a well for a village in Africa to provide clean water
– Donating an animal for a community through the Heifer International Organization
– Donating medical supplies and food to local shelters in their community.
The Project School’s focus on community engagement, and the student-led campaign to address homelessness and hunger motivated us to include Ms. Jerasa’s class project in our Holiday Buy a Bundle – Give a Bundle Initiative. We have no doubt The Project School will make amazing use of the What’s On Your Plate? bundles they receive. We hope you will join us in supporting Ms. Jerasa’s 4th and 5th grade class project on homelessness and hunger awareness!