"What's On Your Plate?" needs your support so we can spread the message about kids eating healthy, local food and supporting the farmers who grow it.
Any amount makes a difference!
Here are some ways to measure your impact:
$50: One Month of Colorful, Educational and Promotional Email Updates
$100: Printing of 10 Essential Middle School Curriculum Guides
$250: Duplication and Packaging of 50 DVDs Featuring the Film, Bonus Scenes, Nona Hendryx’s Music Video, and More
$500: A Week of Managing Kids’ Uploads to the Website and Updating the Map of Screenings
$1,000: Mailing DVDs and Toolkits to an Entire Medium-Sized City School System
$2,000: Renting a location for a Community Screening, and bringing in a Local Farmer, the Filmmaker, and Fresh Snacks
$5,000: Two Months of an Outreach Coordinator Planning Screenings and Workshops
The bigger picture:
$70,000: Training and toolkits for 100 teachers who will reach 6,000 students with the message!