What's on Tucson's plate? What's on Seattle's plate? What's on Cleveland's plate? What's on YOUR plate?
We want YOU to network with people in your own community who are concerned about similar issues. Join this friends list which is self-selecting and organized by state for easy reference. Encourage other groups you know to sign up too and then we can all find each other. That's what FRIENDS are for. Keep up the great work! Together, we can make big, healthy changes.

United States
The Garden Project (San Francisco)
The Garden Project is a non-profit organization that provides structure and support to former offenders and those at risk of offending through job training in gardening, community service, counseling and assistance in continuing education.
Lunch Lessons (Oakland)
Lunch Lessons is Chef Ann Cooper’s blog, working to transform cafeterias into culinary classrooms for students — one school lunch at a time.
Middle school (Valencia)
To teach kids about healthy nutrition...to incorporate planting and harvesting vegetables into our curriculum.
National Farm to School Network (Los Angeles)
National Farm to School Network sprouted from the desire to support community-based food systems, strengthen family farms, and improve student health by reducing childhood obesity.
orqidia violeta (Los Angeles)
To make parents aware that "Vegetables" are good for the kids and for themselves.
S'Cool Food Initiative (Santa Barbara)
S'cool Food Initiative’s mission is to create a community of healthy children across Santa Barbara County who make educated food choices throughout their lives.
The Plow to Plate Initiative (New Milford)
Plow to Plate Initiative is community coalition that works to support locals farms, food, and health, sponsored by the New Milford Hospital, in Connecticut.
Slow Food Glades to Coast (Wellington)
Slow Food Glades to Coast champions the protection of our unique sub-tropical environment, our coastland and ocean & the life within it-from sea to sea of grass.Our work with other individuals and groups will advocate a greater awareness of and create progressive policies structuring our food system---we will build bridges within our community to strengthen our positive impact.
Starting school and community gardens--edible greening of urban areas--will be projects of great importance.
Healthy Kids Ideas Exchange (Sun Valley)
Healthy Kids Ideas Exchange is an online community of parents interested in sharing topics related to children’s health.
Idaho's Bounty (Ketchum)
Idaho's Bounty strives to serve the growth and long term health of farmers, ranchers, chefs and market gardeners by developing a sustainable network that supports the promotion and distribution of organic, all-natural, and fair trade food to our region.
Jasmine berier (Boise)
To raise smart kids that make healthy decisions & to help parents want to do the same.
Grow your own!
The Beacon Light Project (Chicago)
To encourage the neighborhood to eat more fresh food and less prepackaged food. In order to decrease health issues in our children and adults. To start a community garden using the empty lot on the corner that isn't being used for anything positive.
Nurture (Winnetka)
Nurture is a non-profit organization whose mission is to empower family members of all ages (children, teens and adults) with the tools and resources needed to prepare healthy and delicious meals even when faced with limited time and budget.
Goshen Farmers Market (Goshen)
Striving to help local people eat produce from local farmers to help the local community.
CYCLE Kids (Cambridge)
CYCLE Kids promotes healthy lifestyle choices by introducing kids to the joys of bicycling and educating them about bike safety and nutrition. We empower children to develop positive, safe, and active lifelong habits.
Equal Exchange Schools & Fundraising Program (West Bridgewater)
Equal Exchange's Schools & Education Program helps schools make money while they make a difference. Organic small scale farmers around the globe benefit while the school makes money and kids learn more about where their food comes from. The free downloadable curriculum (grades 4-9) helps bring to life why, how, so what about fair trade today. www.equalexchange.coop/educationaltools
Island Grown Initiative (Vineyard Haven)
IGI is grassroots non-profit that works to support farming and raise awareness about the importance of locally grown food. Our Island Grown Schools program launched 18 months ago - building school gardens at all public schools on Martha's Vineyard and supporting them with teacher trainings and community meetings.
Jackson Street School (Northampton)
Our mission is to give each child a solid foundation in education; build respect and
appreciation for oneself, each other, and for the diverse cultures in the school, the
community and the world; and promote active participation and involvement by
families, school personnel, and community members in all school activities
Pioneer Valley Local First (Northampton)
We work to encourage people to think local first by shopping with locally owned independent businesses & encouraging companies to be socially, locally & environmentally responsible.
The Small Planet Institute (Cambridge)
Small Planet Institute works further an historic transition: a worldwide shift from the dominant, failing notion of democracy - as something done to us or for us - toward democracy as a rewarding way of life: a culture in which citizens infuse the values of inclusion, fairness and mutual accountability into all dimensions of public life.
Bethesda Green (Garrett Park)
As volunteer Chair of the Sustainable Food & Ag Working Committee @ Bethesda Green we're passionate about changing school lunches and creating more access to fresh & local food.
Caring Community Gardens (Randolph)
Our Mission is to create gardens to provide free, organic, fresh produce for the local food bank involving the entire community in fun, educational, and satisfying activities in a financially sustainable way.
The Fair Food Network (Ann Arbor)
The Fair Food Network is a non-profit organization that works in partnership with other organizations to design a food system that upholds the fundamental right to healthy, fresh and sustainably-grown food, especially in historically-excluded communities.
North Carolina
Earth Scouts (Charlotte)
Earth Scouts is a new national scouting program for boys and girls ages 3+ years. Our program embraces diversity and welcomes people from all nations, cultures, and faiths. Children and Youth are encouraged to become responsible global citizens empowered with the ability to make a difference in their local communities and throughout the world. Through education, activities, and service our scouts promote The Earth Charter vision of a caring, sustainable and peaceful world. They also have fun by earning badges centered on The Earth Charter’s guiding principles: respect for nature, universal human rights, economic fairness and corporate responsibility, participatory democracy as well as a culture of peace and nonviolence.
New Mexico
The Children and Nature Network (Santa Fe)
The vision and mission of the Children & Nature Network is to give every child in every community a wide range of opportunities to experience nature directly, reconnecting our children with nature's joys and lessons, its profound physical and mental bounty.
Mane Street Education (Santa Fe)
To be a bridge between humane education and my community. To increase awareness to what humane ed truly is and awaken curriculum in our schools. To empower children with critical thinking skills.
New York
Active Citizens Project (New York)
The ACP mission is to support new modes of public thought and social action that increase opportunities for everyday people to pursue their mutual well being. ACP develops strategies and techniques that use Art and New Media as principle tools for social action. Through its work, ACP as a catalyst inspires people to self-organize, initiate, implement and sustain social actions. ACP provides tools, strategic frameworks and networks that support socially opportunistic activism or people using whatever they have to catalyze, facilitate and connect with each other to cause social change. ACP demands that social thought and political power be accessible to all members of society. ACP calls this paradigm, accessible rarity. Accessible rarity takes what is rare and exclusive to some and makes it accessible to everyone.
Adopt-A-Farmbox/ Baker Design Build (Brooklyn)
We aim to empower people through food. In our urban environment, we are easily disconnected from what we are eating. We say:GROW SOMETHING! RECONNECT. This is a call to create, to prosper, to flourish through sustainable agriculture.
The Adopt-A-Farmbox initiative builds farms in NYC. Baker Design+Build donates Farmboxes made from 100% recycled and reused materials to allow local schools and community organizations have the essential tools needed to begin reconnecting with their food. We strive to engage with organizations with a commitment to utilizing the Farmboxes as fertile ground not only fr food production but also for education, personal growth and community engagement.
Brooklyn Food Coalition (Brooklyn)
The Brooklyn Food Coalition is a grassroots partnership of groups and individuals working in Brooklyn to achieve a just and sustainable system for tasty, healthy, and affordable food and to provide a platform for Brooklynites to speak to food issues.
Children's Aid Society (New York)
Children’s Aid serves more than 150,000 children and their families at more than 45 sites throughout New York City. Our caring begins even before birth, through prenatal counseling and assistance, and continues through the high school years with college and job preparatory training programs. All aspects of a child’s development are addressed as he or she grows, from health care to academics to sports and the arts. And because stable children live in stable families, a host of services are available to parents, including housing assistance, domestic violence counseling and health care access.
Collected Seed Farm (Preston Hollow)
Collected Seed Farm was established in response to the need for secure and affordable access to fresh, sustainably-grown food in the Mid-Hudson Valley / Catskill region. The support and practice of local food production brings communities closer together and helps them become more resistant to global market variables. Through our CSA, we offer the opportunity for local households to actively participate in the their food's journey from farm to fork. Through the sales of our non-GMO, open-pollinated organic vegetable seeds, we are sowing this experience out to the greater grower community.
Family Cook Productions (New York)
Core Values
Respect: We approach the meal with respect for the opinions, likes and dislikes of each family member or participant.
Harmony: Our programs help parents and community leaders take the lead to find creative ways of balancing time, financial and other constraints that create barriers to healthy eating and bonding at the table with family and friends.
Creativity: We encourage self-expression by all participants through the creative activity of cooking and exploring the foodways of cultures around the globe.
FoodFight (New York)
FoodFight’s mission is to revolutionize the way we eat and think about food. Using schools as a platform, FoodFight arms teachers, students and school staff with the tools and knowledge they need to make healthier choices and become role models and agents of change for their families and communities. Together, we engage in the fight to reclaim the integrity of our country’s food system.
Foodlink (Rochester)
Foodlink’s vision is to end hunger, build self-sufficiency, and foster nutritional wellness. We pursue this vision through an innovative network of initiatives.
Currently we operate a kitchen and farm, Freshwise LLC, to grow, prepare, and serve local and nutritious food to 45+ after school and summer meals programs throughout the city of Rochester.
We serve 2400+ meals and snacks every day, and conduct educational tours and activities at our farm.
Harvest Home Farmer's Market (New York)
Harvest Home is committed to making farm fresh produce available to neighborhoods with limited access; to strengthen local communities by providing a place where residents can come together to share ideas; improve nutrition and support local agriculture.
Healthy Culinary Creations LLC (Cortland Manor)
My mission is to help people achieve optimal health and well being utilizing the power of real, whole, natural, sustainable foods. A wide range of culinary services are customized to the individual needs of each client and are supported by the belief that our food choices makes the difference in how we feel, look, live and that the quality and source of our food greatly impacts
every aspect of our health, society, world, and its inhabitants.
The James Beard Foundation (New York)
The James Beard Foundation works to celebrate, preserve, and nurture America’s culinary heritage and diversity in order to elevate the appreciation of our culinary excellence.
Just Food (New York)
Just Food is a non-profit organization operating in the greater New York City region to address the economic justice, environmental sustainability and food sovereignty needs of regional family farmers, community gardeners and underserved NYC neighborhoods.
Lighthearted Locavore (New York )
Lighthearted Locavore's focus is on locally grown and sustainable agriculture in New York City and Long Island, nutrition education with a focus on cooking with local ingredients and food policy and food advocacy (city, state, federal, UN). The blog
The Lower East Side Girls' Club (New York)
Lower East Side Girls Club provides a place where girls and young women 8-23 can grow, learn, have fun, and develop confidence in themselves and their ability to make a difference in the world.
The Manhattan Borough President's Office (New York)
The Manhattan Borough President’s Office makes sure that communities are protected from powerful interests who, all too often in the process, come in, take what they need or build what they need--the community be damned.
New York Coalition for Healthy Lunches (Ithaca)
New York Coalition for Healthy School Food works to promote optional plant-based entrees, healthy snack foods, farm to school programs, and nutrition education to encourage healthier choices.
papercam films (Brooklyn)
Supporting individual focus on a universal plan.
THE POINT Community Development Corporation is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) dedicated to youth development and the cultural and economic revitalization of the Hunts Point section of the South Bronx. We work with our neighbors to celebrate the life and art of our community, an area traditionally defined solely in terms of its poverty, crime rate, poor schools and substandard housing. We believe the area’s residents, their talents and aspirations, are THE POINT’s greatest assets.
THE POINT offers a multi-faceted approach to asset-based community development. It’s programming falls within three main headings - Youth Development, Arts and Culture and Community Development - all aimed at investing in the long-term betterment of Hunts Point.
Slow Food USA (Brooklyn)
Slow Food USA is a non-profit, eco-gastronomic, member-supported organization that was founded in 1989 to counteract fast food and fast life, the disappearance of local food traditions and people’s dwindling interest in the food they eat, where it comes from, how it tastes and how our food choices affect the rest of the world.
Solar One (New York)
Solar One's mission is to empower people of all ages with the vision, knowledge and resources to attain a more environmentally sound and sustainable future.
Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture (Pocantico Hills)
The mission of this unique, nonprofit, member-driven collaboration is to celebrate, teach and advance community-based food production and enjoyment, from farm to classroom to table.
The Sustainable Table (New York)
The Sustainable Table celebrates local sustainable food, educates consumers on food-related issues and works to build community through food.
The Sylvia Center (New York)
The Sylvia Center The Sylvia Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to introducing children to the life-giving pleasures of fresh food from the farm. They inspire young people--predominantly in underserved communities--to discover good nutrition through joyful, delicious experiences with healthful, seasonal fruits and vegetables, on the farm and in the kitchen.
Knox County Community gardens (Mount Vernon)
Faith Community gardens: We are interested in creating ways to provide more wholesome local food to hot meals and teaching people how to grow, cook and eat nutritious foods. The community garden is our way of reaching and teaching each other about the value of food that is sown, grown and shared among friends. We provide free individual plots and a community plot for local hot meals program. We also offer a mentorship program working with youth from the Juvenile Courts and the Youth Connection. This year we planted a Pizza Garden w. pre-school children and nearby Headstart summer program. There is a Stone meditation garden on site and we will be adding a labyrinth this summer. Each year we close with a Harvest Celebration meal with Hot Meals guests. We are a growing venture!
South Dakota
Time at the Table (Mitchell)
We are a nonprofit focussed on reconnecting families, one table at a time!
Trial By Fire Track & Field Club (Nashville, TN)
The Trial By Fire Track & Field Club “Trailblazers†is a nonprofit community based organization for boys and girls 8 to 18 years old in the Nashville, Davidson County. This program helps to promote living a fit and active lifestyle while reducing obesity through the participation of amateur sports, with emphasis on track and field, cross-country, and cross-training activities.
The club's main objectives are to promote health and fitness and to foster a positive, fun, and supportive atmosphere for educating, volunteering, training and athletic growth.
Our mission is to provide life-long learning experiences and opportunities for Nashville Davidson County youth from all walks of life and abilities to participate in an organized and quality year round and after-school physical fitness program, which promotes living a fit and active lifestyle necessary for achieving personal health and wellness. These life-long learning experiences can be achieved through the enjoyment of amateur sports, physical fitness, understanding proper nutrition and healthy eating, promoting emotional well-being and reducing obesity; while fostering and encouraging the highest standards of educational achievements, academic integrity, sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership, respect, good citizenship, and athletic excellence.
Playnormous (Houston)
Playnormous is an online community for children ages 6 to 15, their parents, and teachers to play online health games. The goal of Playnormous is to use fun media to inform, educate, and inspire children to make healthier life choices regarding nutrition and physical activity.
Center for Rural Culture (Goochland)
The mission of the Center for Rural Culture is to educate, promote and inspire members of our community to sustain a culture that supports agriculture and the local economy, protects natural and historic resources, and maintains our rural character and traditions.
The Abbey Food Service Group (Enosburg Falls)
The Abbey Group is very committed to providing highly nutritious school meals that exceed state and federal standards.We provide the greatest choices of menu offerings every day to our students and staff in Vermont, New York, and New Hampshire. We are working with farmers and businesses to bring local produce and products to your tables. Spending our money localy helps enrich the local economy. Fresh, local food delivers enhanced nutrition to you and your children. Dishing up local just makes sense!
The Abbey Group is Dishing Up Local in all we do!
Community GroundWorks at Troy Gardens (Madison)
The missions of the larger Troy Gardens program (which includes an urban organic farm, community gardens, natural areas, and a kids' garden) are to nurture a meaningful relationship between people and the land, to grow wholesome and organic food for local tables, to regenerate urban natural areas, to cultivate a diverse learning community, to teach what we practice, and to foster healthy communities and personal well-being. And Troy Gardens has a special mission of inspiring a new generation of mindful citizens through its Youth Grow Local programs, which include the kids' garden, a network of school gardens, and teen farm that provides job training in sustainable food production.
Many Ways of Peace/Seed to Seed Edible Garden Project (Eagle River )
Seed to Seed's mission is to educate people of all ages and economic means to grow their own food using sustainable practices sharing the joy of eating healthy food you've grown yourself. We also offer educational programs about the benefits for all of consuming local sustainable fresh food.
Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies (Madison)
We build partnerships to synergize and sustain excellence in the interdisciplinary research, teaching, and service that make the University of Wisconsin-Madison a world leader in addressing environmental challenges.
University of Wisconsin, Madison (Madison)
The Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is a pioneer in the development of interdisciplinary environmental learning and inquiry.

British Columbia
Today I Ate A Rainbow! (Kelowna)
We believe that the best time to set healthy eating habits is during childhood! Our product “Today I Ate A Rainbow†is an interactive nutritional chart that makes eating fruits and vegetables fun!
Designed for children ages 3 and up, this product is made up of a colourful rainbow chart and bright cartoon magnets that allow up to 4 children to easily track the fruits and vegetables they eat throughout the day.
Our chart brings to life the concept of “eating a rainbowâ€. Fruits and vegetables contain different levels and types of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are the natural chemical compounds found in all plants; they protect against disease and promote health in plants and humans! Many phytonutrients also give fruit and vegetables their bright colour. The different bright colours signify the different phytochemicals that each fruit or vegetable contains, therefore we use the Rainbow colours as a guide for children to benefit from a wide range of phytochemicals and nutrients in their diet.
We are so excited to see a film like What's On Your Plate...we will do everything we can to spread the word that your film is a must see!!
