Food Fundamentals for Healthy Kids and Communities
Sep/23/10 6:00pm (Thu)
The Friends School of Atlanta , Decatur, GA
FSA is grateful to State Representative Stephanie Stuckey Benfield (District 85) for sponsoring this highly popular film at the school. Rep. Benfield is also the sponsor of a bill in the state legislature to provide for a Farm to School program to encourage and solicit county and independent school districts to purchase Georgia-grown farm products. The film will be followed by a panel discussion from 7:00 to 8:00 pm. Serving on the panel will be Rep. Benfield along with Julie Shaffer, FSA alum parent and founder of Slow Food Atlanta as well as Emory University’s Food Service Education Coordinator; Erin Croom, Coordinator for the Farm to School Program for Georgia Organics; and Melissa Walker, FSA Alum grandparent and award-winning author of books for young readers dramatizing key environmental issues. The panel discussion will run the gamut from consciousness raising for those new to the concepts behind the farm to table movement to looking at how this local food movement is sweeping into communities, particularly through schools, and creating a wonderful new awareness of how our choices help ... or hurt ... our environment and our health.
The Friends School of Atlanta
862 Columbia Drive,
Decatur, GA 30030
The Friends School of Atlanta is commemorating its 20th year throughout the 2010-11 school year with a Speaker Series entitled: Building Beloved Community, Celebrating 20 Years of Quaker Education in Atlanta. Offering a pre-K – 8th grade program, FSA’s mission is to provide challenging academics in a diverse environment, drawing on the Quaker values of a simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality and stewardship to empower students to go out into the world with conscience, conviction and compassion. In 2008, the school moved to its current campus on Columbia Drive in Decatur and currently has a limited number of spaces open for student enrollment. For more information, visit or contact Waman French, Head of School: 404-373-8746 x8136;
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